by Formative Data Systems Ltd



Record, describe, and save evidence instantly to our 0-11yrs assessment package.

Early 2 Primary Essence has again raised the bar in the Recording, Describing, and Saving evidence instantly - to our 0-11yrs assessment package (video, photo, and audio) using the latest Mobile App technology.Live, whilst the childrens learning and development is taking place, you can;• Attribute evidence easily to children, including a description of Aspects, their learning outcomes, and the developmental stage.• Take mutiple Images within one observation to evidence a sequence/process of learning, which presents as a Montage on the E2P+SEND system.• Draft observations within the app for completion and upload at a later time.• Voice to text translation ensuring the observation of learning is not interrupted and quicker than ever before.• Work offline and gather evidence at any time, in any location.• Unlimited users and uploads. No time limit on the length of videos capturing learning.• E2P+SEND allows formative Assessment of children with wide ranging needs such as: Profound, multiple and complex conditions, autistic spectrum conditions, severe learning difficulties. Pupils with behavioural, social, and emotional difficulties.E2P+SEND is a Free, multilingual package covering the Early, Primary and SEND curriculum.Updates to include for Birth To 5 Matters

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Can't log in. After reading the reviews I downloaded the S2E family app too but still unable to log into either

Jessica Jennings

Can't log in with the details I have been given from the school neither can the Mrs.. Maybe its an android problem? Edit* managed to log in not sure how.. Got as far as assigned classes click next and can't proceed from there... 🙄 Edit = my bad I will download that but from the reviews on there it isn't looking great

William Bolton

A simple app accompanied by a great system for saving staff time with observations and data analysis

Jessica Aaron

Very unhelpful. Doesn't upload or work effectively in android. Seems to be more compatible with Apple but no one tells you that!!! Ridiculous.. Please fix ASAP.

Buki BoVoJ

No provision to give minus rating. Hence 1 Rating. It doesn't let me log in.

Poorva Bhise

Don't even let you log in waste of time

Kerri Hanson